
How To File For Emergency Custody In Michigan

three Types of Michigan Child Custody Orders

During the custody process, the court may upshot several types of orders, all of which carry legal consequences if not followed.

It may issue orders for one-off things similar paternity testing, arbitration or a custody investigation.

In add-on, information technology may requite temporary or ex parte orders before ultimately issuing final custody orders.

Temporary orders

Temporary custody orders, sometimes chosen preliminary orders, help ensure stability for children while a case is in progress. They include a schedule and child support organization that parents must follow until the case has final orders.

Presently afterwards opening a case, parents meet with their Friend of the Courtroom (FOC) instance manager to discuss a temporary gild.

If parents agree on terms, the case manager prepares the temporary order for them to sign. In some counties, the manager files the temporary order with the courtroom, while in others, parents must submit it to the courtroom clerk themselves.

When parents can't agree on temporary custody, the FOC makes a custody recommendation to the court. Your case manager might make information technology, or an FOC custody skillful may make it afterward doing an investigation. Either way, the recommendation becomes a temporary society unless a parent files an objection, prompting an objection hearing.

As an alternative to the FOC process, parents tin can file a motion requesting temporary custody when they open up or respond to a case. The courtroom volition schedule a move hearing, in which a gauge or domestic relations referee issues a temporary social club later parents present evidence arguing for their proposed organisation.

Ex parte (emergency) orders

When filing for temporary custody or a personal protection order, a parent can ask the court to make the determination ex parte (without the other parent's interest).

Ex parte orders, sometimes called emergency orders, get issued chop-chop, making them mutual in cases with domestic violence or child abuse.

Ex parte orders are a subset of temporary orders. An ex parte custody social club stays in effect until it'due south replaced past a terminal custody gild, and an ex parte personal protection gild stays in issue for at least 182 days.

A motion for an ex parte order requires a hearing in two situations:

  • If the court denies it and the requesting parent files an objection inside 21 days
  • If the court approves it and the other parent objects within xiv days of being served a re-create by the requesting parent

In these instances, both parents attend an ex parte objection hearing and present evidence to a judge or domestic relations referee.

Final orders

Concluding orders bring a instance to a close. They lay out a parenting schedule and kid support payment, plus accost any other issues in the example. If parents agree on a parenting plan, they tin ask the courtroom to include information technology in a terminal order, as well.

A concluding order stays in issue until the children involved turn 18 or graduate from loftier school (whichever is later), unless the courtroom modifies the order get-go.

In a settlement, parents work together to create a final order (sometimes chosen a consent club or consent judgment) for a judge to approve in a settlement hearing.

If parents don't settle, they tin let the Friend of the Courtroom'due south custody recommendation get a last lodge. Or each can propose a terminal order during a final custody hearing.

Complying with orders

You must follow your courtroom orders to the letter. If you don't, the Friend of the Courtroom office can enforce the guild, potentially leading to jail time and other repercussions.

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