
How Many Bowls To Get Stoned

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How many bowls does it take you to get high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cincle38, Mar xvi, 2011.

  1. Cincle38

    How many bowls does it take from schwag, mids, and loftier quality dank?
  2. freddycitytoker

    4 or five good bell rips of chilly gets me to a nice level. If i'chiliad smoking mids so a nice j or edgeless does the trick.

    Of class it depends on how large your basin is.

  3. a skinny boy

    a skinny boy Registered User

    one or 2 bowls of schwag in my glass piping will go me there.
  4. akaSmalls

    akaSmalls Registered User

    Schwag- three-4 bowls
    Mids- 2-3 Bowls
    Chilly- i Basin (Usually 3-iv hits)

    I don't fume everyday. :smoke:

  5. zekkie

    All I ever smoke is bowl gets me nice and toasty....
  6. majesticemu92

    majesticemu92 Registered User

    From schwag maybe iii-4 bowls, mids 2-3, dank i-2.
  7. ProfessorTHC22

    ProfessorTHC22 Chemist of the psych

    I mostly smoke heads, usually no name, but 1-3 hits and i get high..

    1 hit if its a bong hit, bongs raep me

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  8. StoneyMcGhee

    StoneyMcGhee Burn Blunts Stretch Cunts

    I smoke about 1 bowl of Dank, or 2-3 of mids
  9. Hmmm to tell you the truth......
    i hit of ANYTHING will get me, of course to get to a good high
    for dank peradventure 1/2
    Mids one i/2
  10. i not new to smoking by any means merely one bowl in my glass pipe or any drinking glass pipe and im flight high :D
    i smoke possibly once or twice a calendar week
  11. RedMagic

    RedMagic Ur getting delete -__-

    I usually smoke pretty high mids, a few hits and I'll have a nice fizz for like an hour. If I wanna get baked though I gotta blow through like 2 bowls in my bong. But that's like knockout stoned. So... between 1/2 a bowl and 2 bowls of high mids.

    I just got some pretty nice beasters for 15/g and one hit from the bell has had me buzzed for a good twenty mins or and so, and I'grand however kinda feelin it.

  12. RedSmiley

    In that location are besides many factors to actually decide this,
    but i quess a few..

    But why does information technology actually matter? Plus at that place are And then MANY of these threads.

  13. ShockeD

    Less than one bowl gets me lifted nicely.
  14. broboy

    I usually smoke ane basin. if i want to get really broiled i add kief or hash accordingly.
  15. WTF 20 minutes :eek:

    A hit from the bong has got me high for like an hr and buzzed for i or 1.5 hours later on, i experience so noob-ish:eek:

  16. Oceanic

    I have a prissy sized bowl on one of my pipes I apply oftentimes, and I ordinarily pack it full. Ane or two good hits and you can definitely feel the loftier creeping in. Afterwards the bowl I'm pretty high. Two bowls I'chiliad baked.
  17. 420bonghits

    420bonghits Registered User

  18. scarface420

    scarface420 Registered User

    a decent joint will become me blazed. lately ive been doing a .2-ish bong rip before bed that gets me SURPRISINGLY blazed.
  19. monstaro

    if its skillful weed yous should get very nicely blazed off of a single bowl. at present if its schwag i would need similar 5. mids like 2-three

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How Many Bowls To Get Stoned,


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