
How To Get Lotro Points

Ered Luin - Bree Land

Route number ane


You'll run across that some names of places are in "Bold", to meet where they are exactly, look at the department below called "Ered Luin - Points of interest"

►After you finish the Prologue, plow in the quest at John Brackenbrook, take a blue box from mail service behind you. Open up it and correct click "A message of thanks". It's a quest that you'll turn in to Constable Thistlewool; you'll go barter tokens as a reward. Barter them for a Novice Mark and morale/ability potion. Correct click the Milestone and demark your location to Archet. From here utilize the "Writ of special passage" from the bluish box, including the red box which will give yous a temporary horse for 24 hours. Ride to Combe, talk to the Stable Master and choice swift travel to Celondim. From here, find a NPC chosen Eilian. Take the quest "At the behest of Cardavor" from her, and turn in the quest to Cardavor, and take "Unlike Avorthal" from him. Then observe Laenin the Glade watcher, and take the quest "In defence of the woods".
Now ride to Nen Hilith. There, you will find a small camp. Turn in and accept all of the quests. Go down the valley and at present, if yous got the 1 hr and xxx mins slayer deed heave, employ it, and beginning killing wolves. Complete both of the deeds (avant-garde) and don't forget to loot a green colar in the loot list, it's a quest item which you lot'll demand for Ered Luin quest deed. When y'all're done, turn in the quests and have new ones.
►At present go back to Celondim, stop what quests you may and accept:

  • "Need of a cask" from Bregedur
  • "The wrath of the elves" from Cardavor
  • "Hallowed ground" from Thinglaer

At present go to Tham Gelair ruins, cease the quest so go to Limael's Vineyard; plow the quest in and take "Gleaning the field" and "A rare vintage" from Brethilwen. Yous can finish outset function of the Goblin deed while you're hither. Turn in the quests and go dorsum to Celondim. Take the following quests:

  • "Gift for a friend" from Bregedur
  • "The main of the refuge" from Cardavor
  • "Leaving Heart World" from Toronn
  • "Calengil's vigil" from Thinglaer

►Now talk with Stable Primary and pick a ride to Duillond. When you get there, turn in the quests and take these:

  • "Cleansing draught" from Calengil
  • "What was lost" from Bregar
  • "Evil at Dol Ringwest" from Bregar
  • "The emissary" from Dorongur Whitethorn

Finish the "Cleansing draught" and take "Cleansing the ruins" and "A crusade for concern" from Calengil.
Ride to Dol Ringwest and end the quests. You can finish the advanced Goblin slayer act hither. Go dorsum to Duillond when you're done and plow the quests in. Accept the quest "Glamir's vigil" from Calengil and take a ride back to Celondim. When you get there, talk to the stable chief and take a swift travel to Thorin'south Gate.

►Make sure to visit Frerin's Courtroom and start Places of the dwarves deed. Then get to Thorin's Gates and afterward on to Silverdeep Mine for two more places in the deed. Then go to the Stable and take a ride to Noglond. Information technology's another identify needed for the deed. Take the quest "Cut cords" from Grimkell. Finish it, then accept "Hunting goblins" from him. Become the fetish, turn it in, and take "Villains in the vale" from Grimkell. When you finish the mass slaughter, become back to Grimkell and take "Goblins in the south".
Accept a ride to Gondamon (final place of the dwarves). Turn the quest you have and take:

  • "Suspicious encampment" and "The elf rock" from Gailthin
  • "The sundered shield" from Askell
  • "Protecting the hunt" from Orlygr

Now, ride to Ringdale (Scouting the Dourhands act), finish the quests and both Bandit slayer deeds. Ride to Haudh Lin and talk to Glamir. Turn the quests in and ride north to Grimwater (Scouting the Dourhands human action).
Go back to Gondamon and plow the quests in. When you practise, have "Reluctant allies" from Gailthlin, turn it in at Mathi and take "Mutual dislike" from him. Now, take a ride to Thrasi'south Lodge. There, turn the quest you take and take "The cat's meow" from Thrasi and "A remarkable bow" from Celairant. Head to the den valley (BUT Exercise Non INTERACT WITH It) kill all of the Hendrovals offset (Hendroval slayer deed). Afterward you kill the pigeons,

interact with the den and the Hendrovals will respawn again

, thus making it faster to finish the consummate human activity (including advanced one).
►Now become to Wardspire (come across point of interest 11), it's the terminal identify of Elf ruins act, there is a big lair of spiders near information technology which will start Spider slayer human action. Finish both of the slayer deeds. Proceed to Kheledul, finish the quest you got at that place and make sure you "discover" the concluding two places for Scouting the Dourhands deed (visit the Spire of Kheledul and the Docks). Fourth dimension to return to Thrasi's Society and turn in the quests. You should now get a notification that you completed the Hero of Ered Luin deed (if you didn't, accept the 2nd quest from Thrasi).

►Now it'due south time to use milestone skill to Archet. Y'all should have about 15-30 minutes left of the Slayer boost. Go to Cal Sprigley's farm (including the basement) and beginning killing spiders to finish both deeds.
►Ride to Blackwold Headquarters (in Chetwood North) and finish the Bandit slayer deeds. If you had saved the Slayer boost that you got from the blue box, you tin salvage it and transfer information technology to your other characters through the housing storage.

Ered Luin - The Shire

Route number ii - alternative version


Afterwards finishing Ered Luin function, go direct to Shire, Archet comes subsequently information technology.

►It took me 1 hr 52 minutes to finish this route; I got 230 TP as a advantage. Compared to the first route, it's a hefty bonus of around 100 TP for additional 30 minutes of farming. It'due south really efficient, extremely relaxing as you take a stroll through the beatiful green lands of The Shire!

►After you finish Ered Luin part, go to Celondim, select fast travel to Michel Delving.
From here, ride to South Fields, proceed due east to The Great Willow; a fleck north-east from here y'all'll find Methel-stage. Now ride south-east to Old Odo's Leaf-Farm and Narrowcleeve; you know what to exercise... Kill all of the brigands!
When you lot're finished, go to The Yale-height. You lot need to kill harvest-flies for the deed here. If you run out of them, get look around the nearby farms, you can as well kill wolves for the deed which you'll need later. At present go south to Bamfurlong; next visit the Stocktower. Cross the river outside Stock, and go to Puddifoot's Fields & Bridgefields Wall. Time to kill those inoccent wolfies that have a lust for mankind! From here, go to The Quarry, be sure to check the cavern and kill the spiders for the deed. Now it's time for the last slayer deed! Go to The Scrag-dells & Golfimbul's Hole to kill goblins. When you're washed, go due south and visit Appledores, The Party Tree and Dora Brownlock's Farm. In that location you accept it! All the deeds you need to practise here are done.

How To Get Lotro Points,


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